
crafting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Crafting a beautiful accessory that can house and highlight brilliant precious stones while looking beautiful on its own is an incredible art .
- 精心制作一件漂亮的、能够嵌入并突显灿烂宝石的饰品,虽然看上去美丽,但其本身就是一件不可思议的艺术品。
- Read on for advice on mining , crafting and building your first home .
- 读下去,你将了解到一些有关挖矿、制造和建造你的第一个房子的建议。
- This is a nation with an extraordinary heritage that is crafting a remarkable future .
- 这是一个有着非凡遗产,在精巧的设计着一个卓越未来的国度。
- But wal-mart is an irresistibly easy target . Crafting an agenda that would really help american workers would be rather more demanding .
- 但沃尔玛是个诱人的方便靶子,而打造一个真正有利于美国工人的政治议程又相当不易。
- Did you sometimes lose thread of what your friend was saying because you were busy crafting the perfect response in your head ?
- 你是否有时会忽略你的朋友在说什么,因为你的脑子此刻正在描绘着如何完美应对?
- In crafting projects to implement the law , officials launched the effort to identify and name remote islands .
- 为了策划实施这部法律,日本官员发起了鉴别和命名偏远岛屿的行动。
- Although they are thrown weapons , shuriken are treated as ammunition for the purposes of drawing them , crafting masterwork or otherwise special versions of them and what happens to them after they are thrown .
- 虽然手里剑属于投掷武器,但在以下情况时被视为弹药:在拿取它时;制作精制品或其它特殊版本时;当它们被投掷之后。
- Crafting a reliable leading indicator is a tricky business in the world 's most mature economies , with analysts using a cocktail of data points to try to get ahead of the curve in forecasting growth .
- 在世界上一些最成熟的经济体里,设计一个可靠的先行指标是一件棘手的事情,分析师们混合使用不同的数据点,试图抢先一步预测出增长。
- But top senators on the finance committee , which is crafting healthcare legislation , tried to downplay suggestions of a cosmetic surgery tax .
- 但是,在金融委员会中,那些正着手医疗保健立法的参议员高层却试图淡化征收整容手术税的那些建言。
- But with the advent of social media , some celebrities have been able to at least scale back on the teams they need crafting their message .
- 但是随着社交媒体的出现,一些名人已经做出了相应的缩减,以减少他们的手写稿的工作的团队。