We will start our journey from mycenae , the legendary city of the bronze age and from corinth , the refined capital of ancient pottery .
Paul , of course , was the one who founded the church in corinth .
We know , too , that it was in greek st. paul wrote to the romans , and from rome st. clement wrote to the church of corinth in the same language .
Christian theologians still argue over what saint paul meant when he told the people of corinth that for men to have long hair was shameful , while for women , flowing tresses were something glorious ( although they should keep them covered , perhaps to avoid tempting wayward angels ) .
We get a glimpse into the picture of what the church should be from apostle paul 's astonished response to lawsuits among believers at corinth .
She burnt the king and princess of the corinth to die , and later , with mental contradictious thinking , she killed her own two sons by herself . She made the bloody tragedy , which is soul-stirring and struck people with horror .