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n.圆规;罗盘( compass的名词复数 );指南针;圆规;界限

compasses 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Maps and compasses aren 't likely to disappear anytime soon .
I 'm ruling out compasses , because while they in some sense receive a magnetic field , its not an electromagnetic field .
They sailed as far as america without the aid of magnetic compasses , which was no mean feat .
Photons provide the electromagnetic force that does everything from pointing compasses north to stopping solid objects collapsing in on themselves .
The quaint habit of printing postcodes on street signs in britain 's major cities is surely unnecessary once we all have maps and compasses on the mobile devices that we carry around with us ?
The boy liked to draw a cicrl with compasses and the girl liked to swim in the swimming pool used in common .
These compasses were south pointing and were primarily used on land as divination tools and direct finders .
Highly sensitive compasses are needed for oil discovery , earthquake detection and navigation ( in the catastrophic event of a gps failure , that is ) .
Other compasses based on lasers and atoms exist , zibrov says , but those rely on circularly polarized light and other ways to excite the atoms , and require fancy mathematical models to reconstruct the magnetic field after the measurement has been taken .
One of the oldest surviving astrolabes , an instrument for calculating the position of the sun and stars , is on exhibit , as is a set of brass and steel compasses believed to have belonged to michelangelo , another medici beneficiary .