Question history , and learn how all the defenders of liberty in all times , have been overwhelmed by calumny .
Thou shalt not escape calumny !
Murder may be done by legal means , by plausible and profitable war , by calumny , as well as by dose or dagger .
He was subjected to the most vicious calumny , but he never complained and never sued .
The world tend to be good to listen to calumny , because defamation is beautiful , while forgetting this ancient saying , until the time of their failure , all as superficial , and vanished into thin air .
It considers itself in no way bound by the terms of any compact that it may conclude with opponents , and it deems any crime , any lie , and any calumny permissible in carrying on its struggle .
Everything which happens is as familiar and well known as the rose in spring and the fruit in summer ; for such is disease , and death , and calumny , and treachery , and whatever else delights fools or vexes them .
Mr baruch stressed that " those who accuse israel of south africa-style apartheid are plain wrong . That is a vengeful and vicious calumny against zionism ...... however , I do believe that the south african experience needs to be studied . "