cn 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Security certificate cn is invalid .
- 安全证书cn不正确。
- Cn the data have been computerized for two years now .
- cn这些数据已经由计算处理两年了。
- The cn shall be printed on the front cover , copyright page or back cover of a periodical .
- cn应印在期刊封面、版权页或封底上。
- Google has expressed discomfort with having to censor search results since it launched google . Cn in 2006 .
- 自从谷歌在2006年启用了中文搜索引擎google.cn之后,就一直对不得不审查搜索结果颇有微词。
- Landscape of toronto from cn tower .
- 加拿大电视塔鸟瞰多伦多。
- And I just cn 't imgine where it went .
- 我不知道跑哪去了。
- Inorganic compounds , nes ; liquid air ; compressed air ; cn .
- 无机化合物,未列明在其他编号;液态空气;压缩空气;汞齐。
- Final fantasy crystal chronicles - ring of fates ( cn ) .
- 最终幻想水晶编年史命运指环汉化版。
- Assisting the cn helpdesk to manage and finish the warranty claims and obtain the shipping performance by preset parameters .
- 协助维多利绍德客户支援平台完成设备在保修期内的零备件更换,维修。并且完成预先设定的出货目标。
- According to cn financial channel , compared to the same period in last year , fewer provinces have raised their lowest wage levels in the first half of this year .
- 中新网财经频道梳理发现,今年上半年较去年调整最低工资标准的省份数量有所减少。