
Bundestag 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The crisis in the euro zone forced mrs merkel to push colossal bail-outs through a reluctant bundestag .
- 欧元区的危机迫使默克尔推动德国联邦议院勉强通过一项资金庞大的紧急财政救援。
- Yet in a bundestag with five parties other coalitions are possible .
- 然而在拥有五个政党的德国联邦议会,也有可能产生其它形势的联盟。
- She told the bundestag that britain would remain a reliable partner in many fields , mentioning its role in climate-change policy .
- 她在谈到英国在气候变化政策上的角色时告诉德国联邦议会,英国会继续在许多领域上成为可靠的伙伴。
- Schemes to raise the debt burden on germans without bundestag control , such as eurobonds , do not pass constitutional muster .
- 拜托联邦议会的控制,让德国承担更多债务,如欧洲债券这个方案没有通过违宪审查。
- What happens this year and next will be decisive , says rainer arnold , an spd member of the bundestag .
- 社会民主党的联邦议会议员莱纳.阿诺德说,今明两年发生的事情将是决定性的。
- She should be able to get it through the bundestag without the need for opposition support .
- 她应该能够不需要在野党的支持而获得德国联邦议院通过这项计划。
- This would have to be authorised by the bundestag and perhaps other legislatures .
- 这必须得到德国联邦议院、可能还有其它立法机构的授权。
- The german bundestag and the finnish parliament are not about to vote on whether they are happy to give another loan to greece .
- 德国联邦议院(germanbundestag)和芬兰议会,将不会就它们是否乐意向希腊提供另一笔贷款进行投票。
- The new government buildings the chancellor 's office , the bundestag and the foreign ministry have all been designed with plenty of glass and natural light , to emphasise transparency and democracy .
- 新政府大楼总理办公室、联邦议院(bundestag)和外交部的设计突出透明和民主,采用大量玻璃并引入充足的自然光。
- He wants the german bundestag to step in with a statute to clear up any doubts or anxieties .
- 他希望德国众议院介入此事,通过法令来澄清对割礼的一切质疑或担忧。