
n.保加利亚人[语]( Bulgarian的名词复数 )
Bulgarians 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Despite public attempts to blame ukraine , ordinary bulgarians reacted differently .
- 尽管表面上都在指责乌克兰,保加利亚的老百姓还是反应不一的。
- The bulgarians say that to hold montenegro back at this stage would be unfair , but sweden is not alone in wanting more proof of a genuine fight against organised crime and corruption .
- 保加利亚人认为将黑山拒之门外是不公平的,但包括瑞典在内的许多国家却要求黑山共和国拿出其反腐和打击有组织的团伙犯罪的有力证据。
- It 's also delicious . Bulgarians love to eat roast pumpkin .
- 烤白薯又香又甜,那烤南瓜是什么样呢?
- Are the bulgarians staying the night ?
- 那两个保加利亚人晚上要在这里住吗?
- But bulgarians don 't commit petty crimes .
- 但是保加利亚人不会与好的犯罪扯上关系。
- Bulgarians have affirmative and negative signs mixed up .
- 保加利亚人把肯定和否定搞混了。
- Once bulgarians and romanians can work freely in britain they will not linger on farms .
- 一旦保加利亚人和罗马利亚人可以自由地在英国工作,他们就不会停留在农场了。
- The bulgarians also are a turkish people , but they have acquired an aryan speech .
- 保加利亚人也是一个土耳其民族,不过他们学到的是雅利安语。
- The bulgarians and turks called it yogurt ; the russian calls it kefir .
- 保加利亚和土耳其人称之为酸奶的;俄罗斯称之为菲尔.
- He keys in four digits and passes it my way : 1878 . The year the bulgarians were finally liberated from ottoman rule .
- 他在手机上键入四个数字然后递给我:1878,那一年保加利亚人终于从奥特曼统治下解放出来。