

blockhead 变化形式
复数: blockheads
blockhead 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Look , blockhead . You think we 're just neighborhood punks ?
- 听着,笨蛋,你以为我们只是普通的流氓?
- No man but a blockhead ever write except for money .
- 除非是傻瓜,从未有人为金钱以外的东西写文章。
- You are such a blockhead , I shall have to keep on at you for another hour .
- 你真是个大傻瓜,我非要再数落你1小时不可。
- Though I have been always a blockhead , I have not been always a rascal .
- 尽管我从来都是个傻瓜,但我并非一直是个恶棍。
- His wife writes scrip , writing above : " you this bibber blockhead , is grove here ? "
- 纸条是他老婆写的,上面写著:“你这个贪酒的蠢货,这儿是小树林吗?”
- What did you put the matches in the fridge for , you silly blockhead .
- 你这笨蛋,你把火柴放入冰箱干嘛。
- " I do not give way to blockhead ! " Commenter starts to talk proudly say .
- “我是从来不给蠢货让路的!”批评家傲慢地开口说。
- Look , blockhead . You think we 're just neighborhood punkd ?
- 看着,笨蛋,你以为我们只是住隔壁的小混混?
- Why did not you tell me earlier , you blockhead !
- 你干嘛不早告诉我,你这木头脑瓜!
- I was a little bit of a blockhead then .
- 我当时有点犯傻了。