
Belichick 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Sorry , but watching thousands of New Englanders attempt to boogie is like watching Bill Belichick attempt to smile .
- 对不起,看到成千上万的新英格兰人试着跳布吉舞就象看到比尔-贝利奇克试着笑一样。
- Belichick 's an important guy and everything , but I wasn 't aware that the league had given him the authority to decide when games end .
- Belichick是一个大人物,但是,我可不知道联盟还授予了他决定什么时候比赛结束的权利。
- During games in Boston , the Celtics fans will give similar ovations to New England Patriots Coach Bill Belichick , who may or may not be talking into his shoe .
- 在波斯顿比赛时,凯尔特人球迷会把微笑献给新英格兰爱国者队教练比尔-贝利奇克,他或许会也有可能不会谈到他的鞋。