Beatle 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Its foreign sales would make a beatle envious .
- 工厂的对外销售额就连甲壳虫乐队也要眼红。
- George was always my favorite beatle .
- 乔治是我最喜欢的披头士。
- Who 's my favorite beatle ?
- 我最喜欢的披头士成员是谁?
- Former beatle paul mccartney said " I do " to new york businesswoman nancy shevell on oct. 9 .
- 这位前甲壳虫乐队的保罗麦卡特尼与纽约女商人南茜谢维尔于10月9日向对方说了“我愿意”。
- The children can communicate via the " snuffle beatle " , a total of 34 reflectors placed around the building .
- 孩子们可以通过沟通“鼻塞披头士”,是围绕建设放在34个反射。
- As a fashion designer , she has spent 15 years trying to distance herself from the " beatle 's daughter " tag .
- 作为一个时装设计师,她用了15年时间试图摆脱“披头士的女儿”这个标签。
- This , of course , was not beatle john lennon but his namesake paternal grandfather , more commonly known as jack , born in 1855 .
- 这个人,很明显,指的并不是披头士约翰列侬,而是指他的同名祖父,一个生于1855年,常被唤作杰克的人。
- Just over a mile from liverpool john lennon airport , named for one of britain 's most successful exports , sits the halewood operations of jaguar land rover . Its foreign sales would make a beatle envious .
- 离利物浦约翰列侬机场只有一英里路坐落着生产捷豹路虎的哈利伍德集团,它被认为是英国最成功的出口商,其对外销售额会让大众甲壳虫汽车感到嫉妒。
- Their multimillion pound ( dollar ) settlement is about twice the size paid out in britain 's latest high-profile celebrity divorce , that of former beatle paul mccartney and model heather mills .
- 他们的数百万离婚费是上一个英国大明星:前披头士成员保罗和他的模特妻子海勒离婚费用的两倍。
- Google 's analysis showed , for example , that searches for paul mccartney surged when the former beatle played hey jude during the opening ceremony , and the largest proportion of these searches came from smart phones , rather than desktop computers .
- 比如说,谷歌的分析表明,前披头士乐队(beatles)成员保罗麦卡特尼(paulmccartney)在开幕式上演唱《heyjude》时,对“paulmccartney”的搜索量激增,其中来自智能手机(而不是台式电脑)的搜索占最大比重。