


Basel 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The basel committee of banking regulators has launched new proposals on both capital and liquidity .
- 巴塞尔银行监管委员会已经出台了针对资本和流动性的新规定。
- The financial stability board in basel is pondering similar ideas .
- 巴塞尔的金融稳定委员会(fsb)也在考虑类似的建议。
- Global finance favours common standards , such as the basel accords on bank capital .
- 全球的金融企业青睐于施行统一的标准,如针对银行资本的巴塞尔协议。
- The basel club has not articulated a vision of how big the buffers should be .
- 巴塞尔委员会尚未就多大的缓冲才是合适的这个问题发表清晰的愿景。
- Basel 2.5 came into force on december 31st in most european and major world financial jurisdictions .
- 12月31日,巴塞尔2.5在欧洲大部分地区和世界主要金融辖区开始实施。
- The figures will also be carefully studied when leading central bankers meet in basel this weekend .
- 在本周末全球主要央行官员在巴塞尔的会议上,将仔细研究这些数据。
- The implementation of basel iii capital adequacy and liquidity standards should be delayed .
- 应当暂缓执行巴塞尔协议iii(baseliii)的资本充足率和流动性标准。
- Under basel 2 rules banks would then have to set aside more capital relative to their assets .
- 根据巴塞尔准则二,银行在这种情况下必须留出更多和资产相关的资本。
- The authorities did make a more fundamental attempt to regulate the banks with the basel accord .
- 在巴塞尔协定下,监管机构确实实施了更基本的尝试来管理银行。
- Novartis moved its research base from basel to cambridge , massachusetts , in 2004 .
- 诺华制药于2004年把研发基地从巴塞尔迁至美国马萨诸塞州的剑桥。