Bric exports still account for only 3 per cent of its total .
Goldman sachs - the creator of the bric acronym - thinks not .
No other bric is attempting anything similar .
Curiously for a state that still likes to pretend it is a superpower equal to the us , it seems happy to be designated one of the bric nations .
I think a map such as this one is worth elaborating for every bric country .
However , bric leaders have said they won 't discuss creating a multinational currency that could replace the dollar in international transactions -- a subject that has been mentioned in forums of emerging nations .
These challenges of the " little bric " may well be a longer-term constraint to growth and one of the biggest impediments to building better lives for people everywhere , including in the most fragile and conflict-affected states in africa and asia .
The so-called beyond bric markets -- which include countries as large as indonesia and as small as belize -- could collectively account for 21 million vehicle sales annually by 2020 , up from 15 million currently and representing an annual average growth rate of 6 % .