Japan 's asahi shimbun also published yesterday a similar report , quoting a south korean government official .
The conversation , the asahi beer and warm sake in the bar compensated for the bland food on board .
Last week , japan 's asahi newspaper reported that us intelligence had detected possible launch preparations .
As part of the end of year windup , japan 's asahi shimbun newspaper has created a facebook page where readers can discuss solutions to various issues facing japan .
Ofmuch greater concern is the recession 's effect on advertising , whichhas hit all of japan 's newspapers hard and has forced the asahi tocutcosts and staff .
The chinese website of the japanese newspaper asahi shimbun posted the graphic on its official sina weibo account .
Asahi university school for dental hygienists .
People close to mr ozawa continue to be quizzed by prosecutors ; on january 6th the asahi shimbun reported that a tokyo district court would summon mr ozawa for questioning .
A survey of roughly 2400 voters earlier this year by the daily asahi shimbun showed that 65 percent of respondents opposed a more open immigration policy .