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n.器具,器械,装置( appliance的名词复数 )

appliances 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Past a torched car , the broken refrigerator , and piles of rusty appliances , we ran holding hands toward a field covered with flowering weeds .
Modern contraceptives , and labour-saving appliances , make it easier for them to take paid work . And with that comes economic and political power .
Household spending declined by 1.4 per cent the largest quarterly decline in 18 years mostly due to a fall in purchases of major appliances and vehicles .
In the first three provinces , the volume of rural sales of household appliances of all kinds in the 11 months ending october 2008 was 40 % higher than in the same period a year earlier .
Another trend I expect to see in 2013 is an expansion of apps and devices that let people wirelessly control many everyday objects , from light bulbs to appliances , using low-powered networks and smartphones or tablets .
You don 't seem to have any apparent experience in working with largeaquatic appliances .
But this is exactly what we did a half century ago to spur recovery by paying more to the workers who make our cars and appliances and build our homes .
Fewer house sales mean less demand for builders , materials , appliances and furniture and a smaller chance of the government hitting its 8 % growth target this year .
Following oil crises and burgeoning environmental awareness in the 1970s two economists , daniel khazzoom and leonard brookes , updated jevons 's work , casting doubt on the environmental benefits of more energy-efficient cars , appliances and homes .
Together we begin learning how to make the appliances cooperate .