

Angola 变化形式
易混淆的单词: angola

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- Indeed , angola is an increasingly popular destination for world leaders .
- 事实上,世界各国领导人越来越喜欢出访安哥拉。
- They could turn angola into one of the world 's leading oil-producing nations .
- 他们能够将安哥拉变成其中一个全球领导石油输出国家。
- The situation in angola is more complicated , though also disappointing .
- 在安哥拉的情况更为复杂,尽管也很令人失望。
- He is now thinking of expanding into angola and congo next door .
- 现如今,他考虑将生意拓展到邻国安哥拉及刚果。
- In an array of league tables , angola comes near the bottom .
- 在一系列的世界排名中安哥拉都为末等。
- But what 's happening in angola and congo is a new scramble for africa .
- 但安哥拉与刚果的现状对非洲来说是一场新的争夺战。
- For western governments angola 's allure poses an ethical dilemma .
- 对于西方政府而言,安哥拉的吸引力也带来了一个道德方面的难题。
- What entrepreneur wants to spend 119 days filling out forms to start a business in angola ?
- 哪位企业家会愿意在安哥拉花费119天填写表格获取商业许可呢?
- The oil states of nigeria , angola and equatorial guinea did very badly .
- 那些盛产石油的国家,例如尼日利亚、安哥拉和赤道几内亚则表现的非常糟糕。
- But angola is also one of the world 's most unequal countries .
- 但是,安哥拉也是世界上其中一个贫富分化最严重的最家之一。