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- But alvin kwock , an analyst at jpmorgan , said compal 's sales guidance was " way too optimistic " .
- 但摩根大通(jpmorgan)分析师艾尔文科沃克(alvinkwock)表示,仁宝的销售预测“有些过于乐观”。
- The two american economists lloyd shapley and alvin roth , who have jointly won the 2012 prize for economics , both made their names by developing theories of match-making .
- 两位美国经济学家罗伊德沙普利与阿尔文罗斯共同获得了2012年的经济学奖,两人都以发展了配对理论而闻名。
- Although the new diving depth of 6500 meters will only be possible after a second round of upgrades , the oceanographic community is eager to get its workhorse back , and requests for research time with the new and improved alvin are pouring in .
- 尽管要在第二轮升级后才可能达到6500米的新潜水深度,海洋科学界还是在盼望着其主力队员归队,申请使用改进后的新阿尔文号进行研究的要求源源不断。
- " All alike expect and fear a post-war collapse , " alvin hansen of harvard university , a leading economist of the time , wrote in 1942 .
- 当时的主要经济学家,哈弗大学教授alvinhansen在1942年写到,“所有人同样地猜测和担忧战后经济崩溃”。
- Alvin found the titanic in the north atlantic , hydrothermal vents near the galapagos , and an unexploded hydrogen bomb that plunged into the ocean after a midair accident near spain .
- 阿尔文号在北大西洋发现了泰坦尼克号,在加拉帕戈斯群岛附近发现了热泉,还发现过一枚未爆的氢弹,由于飞机在西班牙附近发生空难而掉入海洋。
- Alvin lie , a parliamentarian from the small national mandate party , says that in the past the army " has only moved when the masses are moving " and there is no sign of such public unrest .
- 来自不大的国家使命党(nationalmandateparty)的国会议员alvinlie说,过去军队“只在公众行动的时候才会行动”而现在没有任何公众不安的迹象。
- When this essay was first written for the alvin fine memorial lecture at san francisco state university in april 1985 , I was not fully aware of how much the times had already changed since I wrote the making of a counter culture in 1969 .
- 1985年4月,当我在为旧金山州立大学的alvinfine纪念讲座写作此文时,我并不完全清楚,自1969年我写完themakingofacounterculture一书后,时代已发生了如何的改变。
- Alvin yip , head of south china investment at dtz , the international consultancy , said foreign investors also stood to benefit from a new rule devolving responsibility for approving development projects from the central ministry of commerce to municipal governments .
- 国际咨询机构戴德梁行(dtz)华南投资主管alvinyip表示,将商务部审批开发项目的权力下放给地方政府的新规定,也会让外国投资者获益。
- The app alvin is developing allows users to build social networks and then , using geo-location data , track and meet those contacts in the real world .
- 艾尔文指出,应用程序的发展,使用户能够建立社交网络,然后,利用定位数据,跟踪和满足那些在现实世界中的联系。
- Robotic arms : the new alvin gets a more powerful and agile set of robotic arms , and its basket can carry up to 400 pounds of equipment or samples to and from the surface .
- 机器手:新的阿尔文号有一套更有力更灵活的机器手,它的存放篮可以往返海面运送400磅的设备或者标本。