

Agnes 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I don 't know anything about it.do I , agnes ?
- 其他的事我一概不知是吗,艾格尼丝?
- She picked agnes up tenderly .
- 她温情脉脉地将艾格尼丝抱了起来。
- Earlier , sister agnes gave cut-out paper stars to students to tape anywhere they wanted on the school walls .
- 此前,艾格尼丝修女把星星剪纸发给学生们,让他们贴到学校的任何墙上。
- No offense to the lovely agnes or her charming offspring .
- 无意冒犯可爱的阿格尼斯和她的迷人后代.
- Poor , broken mr wickfield looked for a moment at the picture of his dead wife on the wall , so similar to agnes .
- 可怜的、心碎的威克菲尔先生抬头看了一会儿墙上已过世的妻子的像片,她那么像阿格尼斯。
- I had always called agnes sister , and now perhaps I no longer had the right to ask whether her love for me was more than sisterly .
- 我一直把阿格尼斯称做姐姐,或许现在我已没资格问她对我的爱是否能超越姐弟般的爱。
- But those who challenge the medical profession still face problems . Agnes gereb , a pioneer of home births , is facing up to eight years in jail .
- 尽管如此,对抗医学职业的人们仍然面临问题,agnesgereb,家庭生育的倡导者正面临八年的监禁。
- Agnes was a singer there .
- 阿格尼丝曾是那里的一名歌唱家。
- Right then and there in her mind she had christened it agnes .
- 就是在那个时候,她心里就管它叫艾格尼丝了。
- Agnes : will you get out of here , kid ? Please .
- 艾尼丝:(忍住笑)小伙子,请你出去好吗?