Abe 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Abe rosenthal , a new york times editor who was there , never forgot the sight .
- 而这样的景象,令当时在场的一个纽约时报的编辑亚伯.罗森塔尔,始终难忘。
- Mr abe 's grandfather was nobusuke kishi .
- 安倍的祖父是岸信介。
- No one should be under any illusion about mr abe .
- 任何人都不应对安倍晋三的执政抱有幻想。
- Mr. noda is the fifth prime minister since mr. abe resigned five years ago .
- 野田佳彦是安倍晋三五年前辞职以来的第五位日本首相。
- Markets have responded enthusiastically to mr. abe 's campaign pledges since november .
- 自11月以来,市场对安倍晋三在竞选中的承诺反响热烈。
- Mr abe has correctly emphasised economic policy in recent weeks .
- 近几周,安倍晋三正确地强调了经济政策。
- His mission : explain new prime minister shinzo abe 's aggressive fiscal-policy plans .
- 他的任务是向与会者解释新首相安倍晋三(shinzoabe)激进的财政政策计划。
- Mr nakagawa is a conservative ally of shinzo abe , the prime minister .
- 中川是日本首相安倍晋三(shinzoabe)的保守派盟友。
- Abe quit after one year in office after an election rout .
- 安倍任职一年后便在一次选举失利后辞职。
- But mr abe 's instincts need not lead him in that direction .
- 但安倍先生的直觉不应把他引入上述方向。