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- Jordan has not become conspicuously more liberal under king abdullah than it was under king hussein .
- 国王阿卜杜拉领导下的约旦显然没有比侯赛因领导下的约旦更自由。
- Others say that ak must talk to the pkk 's imprisoned leader , abdullah ocalan .
- 还有人说ak党必须同在押的pkk领导人abdullahocalan进行谈话。
- On october 3rd turkey 's new president , abdullah gul , duly called for changes to article 301 in a speech to the council of europe .
- 今年十月三日,土耳其的新总统阿卜杜拉居尔(abdullahgul)在一次面向欧洲议会的讲话中正式言明要对第301条规定进行修改。
- Until last summer mr erdogan 's justice and development ( ak ) party had been holding secret talks with the pkk in oslo and with its imprisoned leader , abdullah ocalan .
- 直到去年夏天,艾多根总理所在的正义与发展党与库尔德斯坦工人党以及其被囚禁的领导阿布杜拉奥卡兰(abdullahocalan)在挪威首都奥斯陆进行了多次秘密会谈。
- But king abdullah has compensated in part by increasing shia representation in the shura council .
- 不过阿卜杜拉国王已通过增加修罗理事会里什叶派代表的人数作为部分补偿。
- President ali abdullah saleh 's offer to form a unity government failed to quell the unrest .
- 总统阿里阿卜杜拉萨利赫提出建立联合政府的方案并没有平静动荡的局势。
- A typical stallion can mate with 100-150 mares a year for a decade , and mr abdullah is expected to charge at least 1 00000 for frankel 's services .
- 典型的成年公马十年里每年可以和100到150匹母马进行交配,而就frankel的种马服务,abdullah先生预计至少会要价到10万英镑。
- When rallies erupted in january , they were at first largely tribal affairs in the impoverished bedouin villages where king abdullah recruits his forces .
- 当初抗议活动在1月份爆发的时候,大部分是因为发生在阿布杜拉国王征兵的贫困贝多因人村庄的部落事务。
- Conversely , if mr abdullah does emerge as the victor , pushtuns may feel even more alienated from a government many still regard as dominated by tajiks .
- 反过来,要是胜出的人为阿布杜拉先生,许多普什图人仍认为这样的政府是由塔吉克人主导的,可能会愈加感到与之关系疏远。
- Then mr sharif is gone : whisked away by a motorcade that may include the two bullet-proof cars given to the pml-n by king abdullah of saudi arabia .
- 接着谢里夫便离开了:被一个汽车列队匆忙地带走,这些汽车中可能还包括由沙特阿拉伯国王阿布杜拉赠送给pml-n政党的两辆防弹汽车。