But an analysis done for the aclu in 2008 by yale law professor ian ayres accounts for differences in crime rates and still shows minorities are stopped much more .
We 've written a bit about preliminary concerns voiced by the aclu over facebook places and privacy .
The only part of the story left is the prisoners themselves . As david fathi of the aclu national prison project points out , " prisoners cannot decide they don 't like where they live . "
Parker says the law was so vague that she couldn 't offer advice , but she did put out the word to defense attorneys that should they wind up representing someone accused of breaking the law , the aclu wanted to hear about it .
The aclu gleefully declared that this ruling " marks the first time a court has found patents on genes unlawful and calls into question the validity of patents now held on approximately 2000 human genes . "
The aclu worked hard to negotiate a partial gag-lift with the government that allowed merrill to finally identify himself in 2010 , while still keeping the details of the nsl he had received secret .
" Today , the administration has provided these young adults the opportunity to pursue the american dream , " said laura w. murphy , director of the aclu washington legislative office .