
所属栏目:英语表达    发布时间:2022-09-13       浏览:67


英文表达:price   价格;代价
市场价格:market price

The price of gold was going up. 

We can't compete with them on price. 


1. price

- 例句:The price of this dress is very reasonable.这件衣服的价格是非常合理的。

2. cost

- 例句:I'm calculating the cost of our trip to Europe.我正在计算我们去欧洲旅行的费用。

3. fee

- 例句:The lawyer's consultation fee is $200 per hour.这位律师的咨询费是每小时200美元。

4. rate

- 例句:The interest rate on my bank account is very low.我的银行账户利率很低。

5. charge

- 例句:The restaurant charged extra for the drinks.这家餐馆对饮料收取额外费用。

6. pricing

- 例句:The company's pricing strategy is to offer high-quality products at a reasonable price.该公司的定价策略是以合理的价格提供高质量的产品。

7. value

- 例句:I think this painting is good value for money.我认为这幅画物美价廉。

8. amount

- 例句:Please transfer the amount to my bank account as soon as possible.请尽快将金额转到我的银行账户。

注意:以上表达方式中,price 是最常用的表达方式,其他表达也可根据自己的喜好和使用场合进行选择。


价格暴跌drastic fall in prices; sharp drop in prices
价格暴涨spurt in prices; price hikes
价格比值price proportion
价格变动幅度price range
价格变动条款price change clause
价格变动押金variation margin
价格变动准备reserve for fluctuation
价格标签price tag
价格表示price indication
价格波动fluctuations in prices
价格补贴price subsidy; subsidies for the purchase prices of; price bonification; state subsidies to offset price; price subsidies from the state
价格不符variation in prices
价格差别[差价] price difference
价格差额price margin
价格存储器price memory; price storage [store]
价格尺度price measure
价格放开relax control over the prices; relax price controls
价格分析price analysis
价格浮动准备price fluctuation reserve
价格幅度price band; price range
价格符合价值price corresponds to its value; correspondance between price and value; bring prices into conformity with value
价格改革price reform
价格杠杆lever of price
价格公道at fair price
价格固定性price rigidity
价格管理price control
价格管理体制price management system; price control system
价格行情price quotations
价格检查price check
价格剪刀差price scissors differential; price scissors between; scissors movement of prices
价格结构price mechanism; price [pricing] structure
价格战[竞争]price war; rate war
价格控制集团price ring
价格领先price leadership
价格猛涨price boom
价格模型price model
价格目录catalog of prices
价格歧视price discrimination
价格伸缩性flexibility of price; price flexibility
价格收益比率(股票)price-earnings ratio
价格术语terms of price
价格双轨制two-tier [dual] price system
价格水平price level
价格体系price [pricing] system
价格条件price terms; price condition
价格条款terms of price
价格调整price adjustment
价格维持协定price maintenance agreement
价格稳定price steadiness
价格稳定趋降price rigidity in the downward
价格下降准备reserve against decline in prices
价格向价值靠拢approximation of prices to values
价格向量price vector
价格协定(价格卡特尔)price cartel
价格性能比cost performance
价格修正monetary correction
价格预测price expectation
价格涨落price fluctuations
价格折扣price markdown
价格政策price [pricing] policy
价格支持price support
价格支持方案price support program
价格指标price guideline
价格指数price index
价格指数化price indexation
