
所属栏目:英语表达    发布时间:2022-08-24       浏览:99


I need a top to go with this skirt.

Where did you buy that dress? 


1. 连衣裙 (Dress) 

- She was wearing a beautiful blue dress.(她穿着一条漂亮的蓝色连衣裙。) 

- I need to buy a new dress for the party next week.(我需要为下周的派对买一件新裙子。)

2. A字裙 (A-line skirt) 

- Her black A-line skirt flared out as she spun around.(她转身时黑色的A字裙飘了开来。) 

- This blue A-line skirt is perfect for summer.(这条蓝色A字裙非常适合夏天。)

3. 齐地长裙 (Maxi-skirt) 

- She wore a floral maxi-skirt with a white tank top.(她穿着一条花边齐地长裙,搭配白色背心。) 

- I love how comfortable this black maxi-skirt is.(我喜欢这条黑色的齐地长裙有多舒适。)

4. 及膝裙 (Midi-skirt) 

- The elegant midi-skirt was perfect for the office party.(优雅的中长款裙子非常适合办公室聚会。) 

- This red midi-skirt is just the right length for me.(这条红色的及膝裙长度正合适。)

5. 短裙 (Mini-skirt) 

- She likes to wear mini-skirts in the summer.(她喜欢在夏天穿迷你裙。) 

- I don’t like wearing mini-skirts because I think they're too short.(我不喜欢穿迷你裙,因为我认为它们太短了。)

6. 半身裙 (Skirt)

- She always wears a pencil skirt to work.(她去上班总是穿一条铅笔裙。)

- This flared skirt is perfect for dancing.(这条波浪边半身裙跳舞非常合适。)

7. 琉璃珠装饰裙 (Beaded skirt)

- The beaded skirt sparkled under the lights.(琉璃珠装饰的裙子在灯光下闪闪发光。)

- She looked stunning in the beaded skirt and matching top.(她穿着搭配精美的琉璃珠裙子和上衣,看起来非常迷人。)

8. 带裙连体裤 (Jumpsuit with skirt)

- The jumpsuit with skirt was a unique outfit choice.(带裙分割式连体裤是一个非常别致的装束选择。)

- She wore a jumpsuit with skirt to the fashion show.(她在时装秀上穿着一件带裙分割式连体裤。)

9. 印花裙 (Printed skirt)

- She looked lovely in the printed skirt and white blouse.(她穿着印花裙和白色衬衫,非常好看。) 

- I'm trying to find a printed skirt that matches my favorite top.


I am not surprised at all that she chose the white skirt. She always has a preference for white.

The couple looked as though they had dressed up for church, she in a blue floral dress and jacket, and he in a pressed shirt and slacks.

They can have satin stripes sewn to the skirt and the body of the genuine white dress to give it a little of splendor also.

Ralph , Jr. and his friends laugh. When the woman is half a block away, he sneezes again and her skirt blows over her head once more.

I'm going to wear a dress,  she said, "I'm turning 22, and I'd love to feel like a woman. "
