
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-18  



1. Worry - 担心

2. Concern - 关心

3. Anxiety - 焦虑

4. Fear - 害怕

5. Unease - 不安

6. Apprehension - 忧虑

7. Stress - 压力

8. Panic - 恐慌

9. Doubt - 怀疑

10. Nervousness - 紧张

11. Uneasiness - 不安

12. Dread - 恐惧

13. Trepidation - 战栗

14. Worried - 忧虑的

15. Troubled - 困扰的


Person A: I've been feeling really anxious lately.

A: 最近我一直感到很焦虑。

Person B: What's been causing you to worry?

B: 是什么让你这么担心?

Person A: I'm worried about my upcoming exams.

A: 我担心即将到来的考试。

Person B: It's normal to feel a bit of stress before exams. Just try to prepare well and stay positive.

B: 考试前感到有点压力是正常的。只要好好准备,保持积极态度就行。

Person A: I know, but I can't help but feel uneasy.

A: 我知道,但我就是忍不住感到不安。

Person B: Remember, it's okay to ask for help. We're all here for you.

B: 记住,寻求帮助是可以的。我们都在这里支持你。


The Weight of Worry

In today's fast-paced world, worry seems to be a constant companion for many. It can be a heavy burden, weighing down on our shoulders and affecting our daily lives. For me, worry often stems from the fear of the unknown and the uncertainty of the future.

As a student, I find myself worrying about academic performance, social interactions, and even my future career. These worries can sometimes be overwhelming, causing me to lose sleep and feel a constant sense of unease. I worry about not meeting expectations, about making mistakes, and about what others might think.

However, I've learned that worrying too much can be counterproductive. It's important to acknowledge these feelings but not let them consume me. I've found that setting realistic goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and seeking support from friends and family can help alleviate my worries.

Moreover, practicing mindfulness and engaging in activities that bring me joy, like reading or playing sports, can provide a much-needed respite from the stress of worrying. It's a reminder that while worry is a natural emotion, it's also crucial to find balance and not let it dictate my life.

In conclusion, worry is a universal experience, but it's how we manage it that truly matters. By finding healthy coping strategies and maintaining a positive outlook, we can navigate through life's challenges with greater resilience and less anxiety.








❶ 你为何闷闷不乐啊?Why are you so glum?

对话 A: Why are you so glum? 你为何闷闷不乐啊?

B: I read a sad story. 我看了一个悲剧故事。

❷ 你怎么了?What's the matter?

同类表达 What's wrong? 怎么了?

Are you all right? 你还好吧?

这样回答 Nothing. I'm just tired. 没什么,我只是累了。

❸ 你有什么心事吗?Is there anything on your mind?

同类表达 What's on your mind?

What are you worried about?

What's eating you?

❹ 你的所作所为让我很担心。What you did makes me very nervous.

对话 A: What you did makes me very nervous. 你的所作所为令我很担心。

B: I'm sorry for that. 我很抱歉。

❺ 你今天有点儿不大对劲。Something is wrong with you today.

对话 A: Something is wrong with you today. 你今天有点儿不大对劲。

B: Nothing to worry about. I didn't sleep well yesterday. 不用担心,我只是昨晚没睡好。

❻ 我很担心,因为我和他失去联系有一段时间了。I'm worried about him as he's been out of touch for a while.

对话 A: I'm worried about him as he's been out of touch for a while. 我很担心他,因为我和他失去联系有一段时间了。

B: Have you asked other friends? Maybe he has been in contact with them. 你没问问其他朋友吗?也许他一直和他们保持联络呢。

❼ 她总是忧心忡忡的。She always has something to worry about.

对话 A: Serena felt blue today. 塞雷娜今天心情不好。

B: She always has something to worry about. 她总是忧心忡忡的。

❽ 没必要担心。It's unnecessary to worry.

对话 A: It's late. Jenny is still out! 很晚了,珍妮还没回来!

B: It's unnecessary to worry. 没必要担心。

❾ 到底怎么回事?What's going on?

同类表达 What's happening? 发生什么事了?

❿ 怎么闷闷不乐的?Why the long face?

对话 A: Why the long face? 为什么闷闷不乐的?

B: My girlfriend just dumped me. 女朋友刚把我甩了。