“我的爱好”双语英语作文范文 5篇

英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-01  


“我的爱好”双语英语作文范文 1. Playing Basketball 打篮球

Basketball is my favorite hobby. I love the feeling of dribbling the ball and shooting hoops. It helps me stay active and improves my coordination. Whenever I have free time, I gather my friends for a game. It's not only a great way to exercise but also a fun social activity.


“我的爱好”双语英语作文范文 2. Painting 绘画

Painting is a hobby that allows me to express my creativity. I enjoy using different colors and techniques to create beautiful images on canvas. It helps me relax and relieve stress. Whether it's painting landscapes or portraits, I find joy in every brushstroke.


“我的爱好”双语英语作文范文 3. Playing the Guitar 弹吉他

Playing the guitar is my passion. I love the sound of the strings and the melody it creates. It's a great way to express myself and unwind after a long day. Whether I'm strumming chords or learning new songs, playing the guitar brings me joy and a sense of achievement.


“我的爱好”双语英语作文范文 4. Reading Books 阅读书籍

Reading books is a hobby that allows me to explore different worlds and expand my knowledge. I enjoy diving into captivating stories and learning from insightful authors. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or self-help books, reading broadens my perspective and stimulates my imagination.


“我的爱好”双语英语作文范文 5. Cooking 烹饪

Cooking is a hobby that combines my love for creativity and food. I enjoy experimenting with different ingredients and flavors to create delicious meals. It's not only a way to nourish myself but also a way to share joy with others. Trying new recipes and seeing the satisfaction on people's faces brings me great pleasure.

