
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-19  



Blood type - 血型

ABO system - ABO系统

Rh factor - Rh因子

Donor - 捐赠者

Recipient - 受体

Compatibility - 相容性

Transfusion - 输血

Blood group - 血型分组

O positive - O型阳性

AB negative - AB型阴性


A: What's your blood type? (你的血型是什么?)

B: I'm not sure, I've never checked. Why do you ask? (我不确定,我从来没有检查过。你为什么问?)

A: Well, I'm organizing a blood drive and we need to know people's blood types to ensure we have the right donors. (嗯,我正在组织一个献血活动,我们需要知道人们的血型,以确保我们有合适的捐赠者。)

B: That's a great initiative! I'll go get my blood type checked so I can participate. (这是一个很好的倡议!我会去检查我的血型,这样我就可以参加了。)

A: That would be really helpful. We especially need O negative donors, as it's a universal blood type that can be given to anyone in an emergency. (那将非常有帮助。我们特别需要O型阴性的捐赠者,因为这是一种在紧急情况下可以给任何人输血的全能血型。)

B: I'll make sure to spread the word and encourage others to participate as well. (我会确保传播这个消息,并鼓励其他人也参与进来。)


Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells. There are four main blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Each blood type can also be positive or negative depending on the presence or absence of the Rh factor.


Knowing your blood type is important for medical purposes, such as blood transfusions or organ transplants. People with different blood types may not be compatible for blood donations or organ transplants, so it's crucial to match the blood type of the donor with that of the recipient.


Blood donation is also a noble act that can save lives. People who have a universal blood type, such as O negative, are especially valuable as donors because their blood can be given to anyone in need. It's important for individuals to know their blood type and consider donating if they are eligible.



❶ 你是什么血型?What's your blood type?

对话 A: What's your blood type? 你是什么血型?

B: I am in type O. 我是O型血。

❷ 我是A型血。My blood type is A.

同类表达 My blood type is B. 我是B型血。

❸ 据说A型血的人与B型血的人相处得很好。It's said people with type A blood get along very well with those with type B blood.

❹ 你知道自己的血型吗?Do you happen to know your own blood type?

对话 A: Do you happen to know your own blood type? 你知道自己的血型吗?

B: I am in type O. I got to know it when I donated my blood. 我是O型血。我在献血的时候知道的。

❺ 很多人相信血型能预测出工作是否合适。Many people believe their blood type can foretell the suitability for jobs.

对话 A: Many people believe their blood type can foretell the suitability for jobs. 很多人相信血型能预测出工作是否合适。

B: That's ridiculous. 这太荒谬了。

❻ 不论什么血型,纯素食都是有益的。A vegan diet is helpful, regardless of blood type.

❼ O型血的人是万能的献血者。People with type O blood are universal donors.

对话 A: Which blood type can I transfuse to? 我可以献血给哪些血型?

B: People with type O blood are universal donors. O型血的人是万能献血者。

❽ 据说A型血的人非常冷静。It is said that people with type A blood are very level-headed.

同类表达 It is said that people with type B blood love peace and freedom. 据说B型血的人热爱和平和自由。

❾ B型血的人通常意志坚强。People with type B blood are strong-willed.

同类表达 People with type AB blood are creative. AB型血的人通常富有创造性。

❿ 据说中国B型血的人最多。It is said there are most people with type B blood in China.

对话 A: It is said there are most people with type B blood in China. 据说中国B型血的人最多。

B: It seems so in Asia. 好像亚洲都是这样。