tim词根的含义:fear: 害怕
- intimidate 恐吓v.
- in 使… + timid 害怕 + ate 使… → 使害怕 → 恐吓
- It can also produce two small " horns " to intimidate and scare away would be predators .
- 它还能在头部出现两个小小的“角”来恐吓并吓走可能的捕食者。
- intimidation 恐吓n.
- in 使… + timid 害怕 + ation,intimidate 的名词 → 恐吓
- Candidates are increasingly resorting to intimidation to win .
- 参选人甚至运用恐吓和暴力来获得选票。
- timid 胆怯的adj.
- tim 害怕 + id …的 → 胆怯的
- This is not to say the austerity is timid .
- 这并不是说这些紧缩措施有些胆小。
- timidity 胆怯n.
- timid 害怕 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 胆怯
- Overconfidence among soldiers can be as dangerous as timidity .
- 士兵过分自信和胆怯一样危险。
- timorous 胆小的adj.
- tim 害怕 + or 嘴;说 + ous …的 → 胆小的
- In the darkness the timorous wolves crept into the living-room .
- 那些胆怯的狼在黑暗中爬进了客厅。