pen词根的含义:penalty: 惩罚
pen词根的解释:to punish,pen
pen词根的来源: 来自拉丁语的pun,pen 意为to punish,pen 变形为poen。同义词根为来自拉丁语的veng。
- impunity 不受惩罚n.
- im 不 + pun 惩罚 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 不受惩罚
- Yet employers can refuse to hire left-handers with impunity .
- 然而,雇主可以拒绝雇用左撇子而不会受到惩罚。
- penal 刑罚的adj.
- pen 惩罚 + al …的 → 刑罚的
- I 'm comparing only your ignorance and mine about penal institutions .
- 我只是拿你我两人对刑法机构的无知作个比较罢了。
- penalize 处罚v.
- penal〔= pen〕惩罚 + ize 使 → 处罚
- Expert organizer julie morgenstern suggests you penalize yourself to break the habit .
- 专业组织者juliemorgenstern建议你用惩罚你自己的办法来戒除这个习惯。
- penalty 惩罚n.
- penal 刑罚的 + ty 表情况 → 惩罚
- Conagra paid a civil monetary penalty of $ 12 million .
- ConAgra缴纳了1,200万美元的民事罚款,涉事交易员却安然无恙。
- penance 赎罪n.
- pen 惩罚 + ance 表状况 → 接受惩罚 → 赎罪
- The bank settled quickly with u.s. regulators , paying $ 100 million to the us treasury as penance .
- 瑞银迅速与美国监管机构达成了和解,向美国财政部(theUSTreasury)支付了1亿美元罚金。
- penitent 后悔的adj.
- penit〔= pen〕惩罚 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 因受惩罚而后悔 → 后悔的
- Feeling regret and sorrow for one 's sins or offenses ; penitent .
- 后悔的为其罪孽或过错而感到后悔或悲痛的;悔罪的。
- punish 惩罚v.
- pun 惩罚 + ish 使… → 惩罚
- And don 't fear the myth that investors will punish you .
- 也不要害怕“投资者会惩罚你”这样的说法。
- punishment 惩罚n.
- punish 惩罚 + ment 表结果 → 惩罚
- As long as businesses have reasonable security measures , they can avoid punishment after even serious breaches .
- 就算黑客袭击造成了非常严重的后果,但只要这些公司采取了合理的安全措施,就能躲过惩罚。
- repent 后悔v.
- re 反 + pent〔= pen〕惩罚 → 反过来惩罚自己 → 后悔
- Initially , he ran seminars , urging people to repent and rebuild .
- 最初的时候他开研讨会,让人们忏悔、重建。