oner词根的含义:load: 负担
oner词根的来源: 词根来自拉丁语oner意为burden。
- exonerate 免除;无罪释放v.
- ex 出 + oner 负担 + ate 做,造成,使… → 从负担中摆脱出来 → 无罪释放
- But the findings don 't exonerate toyota from two known issues blamed for sudden acceleration in its vehicles : sticky accelerator pedals and floor mats that can trap accelerator pedals to the floor .
- 但这并不能免除丰田在汽车突然加速方面存在的两个问题:油门踏板卡壳以及脚垫会使油门踏板卡在车厢底板上。
- exoneration 免除责任;无罪释放n.
- ex 出 + oner 负担 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 免除责任;无罪释放
- Mr worsfold has since asked for a letter of exoneration from police .
- 沃斯福德随后向警察要了一份免罪声明。
- onerous 繁重的;费力的adj.
- oner 负担 + ous …的 → 繁重的;费力的
- Can the un take on another onerous peacekeeping operation ?
- 联合国是否能够承担另一项繁重的维和任务呢?
- onus 负担,责任n.
- on 负担 + us 表名词 → 负担,责任
- Take the onus to lend a helping hand .
- 以责任之心伸出援助之手。