cap词根的含义:head: 头
- accept 接受v.
- ac 加强 + cept 拿,抓,握住 → 一再拿 → 接受
- He opened the first bar to ever accept bitcoins .
- 他开设了第一个接受比特币的酒吧。
- acceptability 可接受性n.
- accept 接受 + ability 可…性 → 可接受性
- The judge found the report failed to identify the scale of the project 's impact on air quality and so the evaluation of the acceptability of the project 's environmental impacts was flawed .
- 法官发现,报告未能说明该项目对空气质量影响的程度,因此,对于该项目环境影响可接受性的评估存在缺陷。
- anticipate 预料;预期v.
- anti〔= ante 前面〕+ cip 拿,抓,握住 + ate 做,造成,使… → 提前把握〔事物发展结果〕→ 预料
- How long do you anticipate living in your next home ?
- 在下次搬家之前你预期要住多长时间?
- capacious 宽阔的;容积大的adj.
- cap 拿,抓,握住 + acious 多…的 →〔有地方〕可多拿的 → 宽阔的
- Capacious western-style malls are also cropping up , especially for luxury goods .
- 宽敞的西式商场也在大量涌现,尤其是销售奢侈品的商场。
- capacity 才能n.
- cap 拿,抓,握住 + acity 性质,状态,情况 → 抓住〔事物〕的能力 → 才能
- And production capacity in europe is limited .
- 欧洲的生产能力也是有限的。
- captain 首领;船长n.
- capt 拿,抓,握住 + ain 表人 → 掌握一群人 → 首领
- He had gone with that captain mike .
- 他都是跟米高船长一起去的。
- caption 标题;字幕n.
- cap 拿,抓,握住 + tion 表名词 → 抓住〔文章的大意〕→ 标题
- Please suggest a caption in the comments thread below .
- 请将所建议的标题写在下面的评论栏中。
- captious 吹毛求疵的adj.
- capt 拿,抓,握住 + ious …的 → 抓人〔毛病〕的 → 吹毛求疵的
- If you blame him , he think you are captious .
- 如果你数落他,他会认为你挑剔。
- captivate 迷惑;吸引v.
- captiv〔e〕俘虏 + ate 使… → 使…变成俘虏 → 迷惑
- In a trial that is set to captivate hong kong , handwriting experts and feng shui gurus will also testify .
- 在这场将会吸引全香港关注的审讯中,笔迹专家和风水师也将出庭作证。
- captive 俘虏n.
- capt 拿,抓,握住 + ive 表人 → 抓住〔的人〕→ 俘虏
- Bank interest rates remain captive to the policy of regulated deposit rates .
- 银行利率依然是政策的俘虏,被用来监管储蓄利率。
- capture 逮捕,捉拿v.
- capt 拿,抓,握住 + ure 表行为 → 抓住 → 逮捕
- Carbon capture and storage is not a sure thing .
- 碳捕获与封存技术还不是很确定的事情。
- conceive 想像;构想v.
- con 共同 + ceive 拿,抓,握住 → 大家一起抓〔思想〕→ 想像;构想
- Want to conceive twins naturally without the dangers of fertility drugs ?
- 想要不受怀孕辅助药物的副作用威胁就自然怀上双胞胎吗?
- conception 概念,观念n.
- con 共同 + cept 拿,抓,握住 + ion 表名词 → 共同把握住的〔思想〕→ 观念
- The other factors may be timing of conception .
- 很有可能是怀孕的时间这个因素。
- deceive 欺骗v.
- de 否定,非 + ceive 拿,抓,握住 → 不拿来 → 欺骗
- Many people routinely deceive themselves to rationalize dishonest behavior .
- 很多人为了使自己的欺骗行为趋于合理而长期自欺欺人。
- deceptive 欺骗性的adj.
- de 否定,非 + cept 拿,抓,握住 + ive …的 → 不拿来 → 欺骗性的
- His conversational style can also be rather deceptive .
- 他的对话风格具有很强的欺骗性。
- emancipate 解放v.
- e 出 + man 手 + cip 拿,抓,握住 + ate 做,造成,使… → 把被抓的手放出来 → 解放
- The maoists want to push through land reform , emancipate the lower castes and seek foreign investment .
- 毛派想通过土地改革、解放处于社会低层的人民和吸引外国投资来推动这两方面的变革。
- except 把…除外v.
- ex 出 + cept 拿,抓,握住 → 拿出去 → 把…除外
- Man cannot survive except through his mind .
- 人无法生存,除非通过他的思想。
- inception 开始,开端n.
- in 进入 + cept 拿,抓,握住 + ion 表名词 →〔开始〕进来拿 → 开端
- From its inception , the vast scheme has suffered both delays and criticism .
- 从一开始,这项巨大的工程就不断被延期并且饱受诟病。
- incipient 开始的,初期的adj.
- in 进入 + cip 拿,抓,握住 + ient …的 → 开始的,初期的
- The first signs of incipient malnutrition .
- 早期营养不良的最初迹象。
- intercept 拦截,阻止v.
- inter 在…之间 + cept 拿,抓,握住 → 在〔路程间〕抓人)→ 拦截
- Makes it possible for hackers to intercept these signals .
- 一些很简单的软件就可以让黑客们拦截你的信号。
- occupant 占有者n.
- oc 加强 + cup 拿,抓,握住 + ant 人 → 一再拿的人 → 占有者
- A sensing wristband automatically detects a fall or heart problems in an elderly occupant and can send an alert .
- 一个有感知力的表带能自动探测疾病或是老年居住者的心脏问题,并发出警报。
- occupation 职业;占有n.
- oc 加强 + cup 拿,抓,握住 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 职业;占有
- Few knew each other by name or occupation .
- 很少有人知道彼此的真实姓名或职业。
- occupy 占领;使用v.
- oc 加强 + cup 拿,抓,握住 + y 表行为 → 占领;使用
- It is plainly unwilling to occupy the place again .
- 它只是不愿意在占领哪个地方罢了。
- perceive 知觉;发觉v.
- per 贯穿 + ceive 拿,抓,握住 → 全部抓住 → 发觉
- We create and perceive our world simultaneously .
- 我们在感知世界的同时,也在创造它们。
- precept 箴言;规范n.
- pre 预先 + cept 拿,抓,握住 → 预先掌握的〔话〕→ 箴言
- Their members are elected and they can charge a " precept " that is added to the borough council tax .
- 它的成员是民选的,并可以收取的“戒律税”,将其加到市政税中。
- preoccupation 全神贯注n.
- pre 预先 + occupation 职业;占有 → 首先占有〔注意力〕→ 全神贯注
- One early preoccupation was finding a new home .
- 公司的当务之急是找到一个新家。
- receive 接受,收到v.
- re 一再 + ceive 拿,抓,握住 → 一再拿到 → 收到
- When did you receive your first e-mail ?
- 你是第一次收到电子邮件是在什么时候?
- receptacle 容器n.
- re 一再 + cept 拿,抓,握住 + acle 表物 → 装了可以再装的物品 → 容器
- Officials have said they would consider bringing in an outside container to store the water if a suitable receptacle can be found .
- 官员说,如果能找到合适的容器,他们会考虑引入一个外部冷凝器来存水。
- susceptible 易受影响的;易患病的adj.
- sus 下 + cept 拿,抓,握住 + ible …的 → 容易被〔病〕抓住的 → 易患病的
- Food prices are particularly susceptible to increased japanese demand .
- 食品价格对日本需求增加尤其敏感。
- cape 海角,岬n.
- cap 头 + e → 像头一样伸向海里 → 海角
- The original mission-control centre was at the cape .
- 原来的任务控制中心是在卡纳维拉尔角。
- capital 首要的adj.
- capit 头 + al …的 → 头的 → 首要的
- I have two coupons for the capital cinema .
- 我有两张首都电影院的赠券。
- capital 首都;资本n.
- I have two coupons for the capital cinema .
- 我有两张首都电影院的赠券。
- capitation 人头税,丁税n.
- capit 头 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 按人头〔收税〕→ 人头税
- Ethical guidelines for physician payment based on capitation .
- 医生道德准则为基础的。
- capitulate (有条件)投降v.
- capit 头 + ulate 表动作 → 头〔低下〕→ 投降
- The government was wise to capitulate .
- 政府的让步是明智的。
- decapitate 杀头,斩首v.
- de 去掉 + capit 头 + ate 使… → 杀头,斩首
- Decapitate me after my harakiri .
- 等我切腹之后再斩首。
- precipice 悬崖n.
- pre 前 + cip 头 + ice 性质,行为,情况 → 前面是尽头 → 悬崖
- But we are standing on the edge of a precipice .
- 但我们正站在悬崖的边缘。
- precipitate 加速;促进v.
- pre 前 + cipit 头 + ate 做,造成,使… → 头往前 → 加速
- That is due to the use of leverage : price declines precipitate the forced liquidation of leveraged positions .
- 那是因为使用杠杆的缘故:价格下滑促使杠杆化的仓位被迫平仓。
- precipitate 鲁莽的adj.
- That is due to the use of leverage : price declines precipitate the forced liquidation of leveraged positions .
- 那是因为使用杠杆的缘故:价格下滑促使杠杆化的仓位被迫平仓。
- precipitous 陡峭的;急躁的adj.
- precipice的形容词
- Es cubells is a small village nestled among the orange , lemon and olive groves on precipitous terraces .
- 鄂古北尔村庄藏在陡峭梯田的橙子林、柠檬林和橄榄树林之间。