head词根的含义:head: 头
- heading 标题n.
- head 头 + ing 行为的产物 → 开头〔的文字〕→ 标题
- A blank line will open under the heading .
- 标题下降出现一个空白行。
- headline 标题n.
- head 头 + line 行 → 头一行字 → 标题
- Headline statistics flatter the reading prowess of latin americans .
- 标题策略夸大了拉美人的阅读能力。
- headstrong 倔强的adj.
- head 头 + strong 强大 → 头脑很强大 → 倔强的
- The future software mogul was a headstrong 12-year-old and was having a particularly nasty argument with his mother at the dinner table .
- 这位后来的软件业大亨当时还是个12岁的任性男孩,吃饭时跟母亲吵了个天翻地覆。
- heady 轻率的adj.
- head 头 + y …的 → 一头往前冲的 → 轻率的
- Prevention by treatment is , nevertheless , a heady prospect .
- 无论如何,通过治疗来预防拥有令人兴奋的前景。