- devil 魔鬼n.
- de 加强 + vil 卑劣 → 卑劣到极点 → 魔鬼
- The devil died the very day you were born .
- 魔鬼在你诞生的那一天就死亡了。
- deviltry 恶行n.
- de 加强 + vil 卑劣 + try → 卑劣的行为 → 恶行
- Bringing their woe and deviltry with them .
- 把残暴和他们的厄运也一起带来了。
- evil 邪恶n.
- e 加强 + vil 卑劣 → 十分卑劣 → 邪恶
- Red is the evil and dangerous internet .
- 红色是邪恶和危险的因特网。
- revile 辱骂v.
- re 一再 + vil 卑劣 + e → 一再做卑劣的事 → 辱骂〔别人〕
- And those standing by said , do you revile the high priest of god ?
- 站在旁边的人说,你辱骂神的大祭司?
- vile 卑鄙的adj.
- That 's not reckless or vile it 's decisive .
- 这不是鲁莽也不是卑鄙,这是判断。
- vilify 诽谤v.
- vil 卑劣 + ify 使… → 使别人成为卑劣的人 → 诽谤
- A clutch of maoist websites frequently vilify intellectuals such as mr mao .
- 一群毛主义网站经常恶毒诽谤茅先生这样的知识分子。
- villain 坏蛋,恶棍n.
- vill〔= vil〕卑劣 + ain 表人 → 坏蛋,恶棍
- The currency wars are about more than one villain and one victim .
- 货币战争不仅仅是一个恶棍同一个受害者的战争。