
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-01-05      

Pull the other one! We use this phrase when we think somebody has told us a lie to make a joke. 我们通常用这个短语表示我们认为有人为了开玩笑而说谎 它是pull one's leg的延伸用法,完整说法是pull the other one, it's got bells on,有一种你要不要试试别得逗我的说法,另一种说法更有意思,有意思到会有铃响一般的效果的感觉。表明我已经看穿你的谎言了。 A: Guess what! I've just won one million pounds. 你猜怎么着!我刚赢了一百万英镑。 B: Oh, go on pull the other one. You're having me on. 别逗了,你就骗我吧 A: No seriously. I really have won the National Lottery. 没有,是真的。我真的中了国家彩票。