
所属栏目:英语口语    2023-10-12      

have someone's number If you have someone's number, you understand what kind of person they are, and so you know how to deal with them. 如果你have someone's number,意思就是你了解他们是什么样的人,也正是因为如此,你可以很好地与他们打交道。 它通常就是表示对某人有清晰、准确的了解,或者能够看穿某人的伪装了解他的本质。在日常用法中,"have someone's number"可以用于形容你了解某人的性格、意图或真实动机。例如,如果你了解某人的真实动机并能预测他们的行为,你就可以说你"have their number"。 Don't worry, I've got his number, he doesn't fool me. 别担心,他的底细我一清二楚,他骗不了我的。 That team is impossible to beat—they've had our number since 2006! 那支球队是不可能被击败的——他们从2006年开始就对咱们的底细摸得一清二楚!