所属栏目:英语口语 2023-09-24
black and white a very clear distinction, without any gradations. 非常清晰的区别,没有任何过渡;非黑即白,黑白分明的 Don't debate me about it. The rules are black and white, and you broke them. 别跟我争论这件事。规则是黑白分明的,而你打破了它们。 He tended to view everything as a black and white issue-it was either right or wrong-whereas his partner always found gray areas . 他倾向于把所有事情都看成是黑白分明的——不是对就是错——而他的伴侣总是能找到灰色地带。 It's not a black-and-white issue. 这不是一个非黑即白的问题。