
所属栏目:英语口语    2023-07-17      

eat (one's) words To retract, regret, or feel foolish about what one has previously said. 收回以前说过的话,对自己说过的话感到后悔或感到愚蠢。感觉上有点类似于我们说的“打脸了”。 You think I can't get an A in this class, but I'll make you eat your words when we get our report cards! 你说我这门课得不了A。成绩单下来,我会让你后悔你说过这句话的。 After my negative prediction for the season, I certainly ate my words when the team started out undefeated. 我预测这个赛季的结果会非常不乐观。但是当球队开始战无不胜的时候,我承认我我之前说过的话是愚蠢的。 You shouldn't say that to me.I'll make you eat your words. 你不能这么说我,我会让你后悔说过这句话的。