
所属栏目:英语口语    2022-07-05      

worship to go to a religious ceremony 参加宗教仪式;敬神;拜神 They socialize together and worship in the same mosque. 他们一同参加社交活动,并且在同一清真寺做礼拜。 to love, respect, and admire someone or something very much, often without noticing the bad qualities of that person or thing 爱慕;非常喜欢、尊敬或钦佩某人或某物,通常注意不到该人或某物的不好的品质;(常指盲目地)宠爱,崇拜,崇尚 Her parents worship her. 她的父母很宠爱她。 As a child, I worshipped my older brother. 还是孩子时,我很崇拜我的哥哥。