
所属栏目:英语口语    2025-01-01      

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. saying hatch是孵出来的意思,这句话是说,不要在你的小鸡还没有孵出来之前,就要去数有多少只。有时候也可以直接说Don't count your chickens,非常适合用来怼人 said to emphasize that you cannot depend on something happening before it has happened 强调你不能在事情发生之前就仰仗着它能发生,不要高兴得太早;不要过早乐观 A: I'm sure to win the prize. I'm going to buy a new car with the money. 我肯定会获奖的,我要用这笔钱买辆新车. B: Don't count your chickens. 别指望得太早。