- 或许,下次你应该买一只乌龟。
- Perhaps you should buy a tortoise next time .
- 出轨的乌龟要受到更严酷的对待。
- An erring tortoise would need sterner treatment .
- 与此相关的另一个经典案例是龟兔赛跑:缓慢但是坚定的乌龟最终取得了比赛的胜利即便在课业上也是如此。
- Another case in point to support the tortoise way : slow and steady wins the race , even academically .
- 而恶意诽谤麦康奈尔的人说他像一只龟。
- Mr mcconnell is said by his detractors to resemble a turtle .
- 猪鼻龟同时也引起了科学家们的极大兴趣,因为它在龟类大家庭的系谱上处在独特的位置。
- The pig-nosed turtle is also of great interest to scientists because of its unique position in the turtle family tree .
- 海蛇减少以及温暖的沙滩正在改变龟的繁殖习性和海鸟以及海洋哺乳动物的喂养和交配习性,它补充道。
- Sea snakes were declining and warmer beaches were changing turtle breeding habits and seabird and marine mammal feeding and mating , it added .