- 大部分渔民带着捕龙虾器和新鲜饵走出来。
- Most sorrento fishermen head out with lobster traps and fresh bait .
- 他第一次杀死的是龙虾,他活煮了它。
- His first kill was a lobster , which he boiled alive .
- 而虾、龙虾和扇贝要知道变成牛奶白才可以。
- Cook shrimp , lobster and scallops until they 're milky white .
- 这种螯虾基因上最邻近的物种几乎可以长到龙虾的大小。
- The crayfish 's closest genetic relative can grow to almost lobster-size .
- 在美国东南部发现的barbicambarussimmonsi,其体型几乎有当地普通螯虾的两倍大。
- Barbicambarus simmonsi is almost twice the size of a typical crayfish found in the southeastern united states .
- barbicambarussimmonsi差不多有5英寸长几乎是当地螯虾典型身长的两倍。
- Barbicambarus simmonsi is nearly 5 inches long-almost twice the size of a typical crayfish found in the region .