- 用政治学家德韦什卡普尔(deveshkapur)的话讲,现在印度是一个全新的国家,到处是热衷于赚钱的人,不断地寻找经济机遇包括设法绕开繁冗的规定而这进而会让增长引擎继续轰鸣。
- India , in the words of political scientist devesh kapur , is now a new nation of hustlers , constantly searching for economic opportunities including ways of circumventing onerous rules that , in turn , keep the growth engine purring along .
- 对冲基金firsthorsecapital的ajaykapur说在降息循环中,美国的股票市场通常在第一次降息后六个月内有7.2%的回报,甚至在经济滑入衰退时也一样。
- Ajay kapur of the hedge fund first horse capital says that america 's stockmarket normally returns 7.2 % over the six months after the first rate cut in the cycle , even in periods when the economy is slipping into recession .
- “我们要继续前进,我们的目标是要继续保持好的势头,”扶轮国际脊髓灰质炎抗击项目的负责人deepakkapur说道。
- " Marching ahead , the goal now is to sustain this momentum , " said deepak kapur , head of rotary 's polio eradication program in india .
- 阳春砂仁;挥发油成分;气相色谱-质谱联用法;乙酸龙脑酯。
- Amomum villosum lour ; essential oil ; gc-ms ; borneol acetate .
- 气相色谱法测定除疤膏中冰片的含量。
- Determination of borneol in chuba ointment by gc .
- 气相色谱法测定嘎木朱尔凝胶剂中冰片的含量。
- Determination of borneol in gamuzhuer gels by gc .