- 我觉得夏洛克也被她迷到了。
- I think even sherlock was impressed by her .
- 我和夏洛克和谐的生活也不知会持续多长。
- Not sure my life with sherlock is compatible with long-term relationships .
- 夏洛克福尔摩斯亦是如此。
- Sherlock holmes does the same .
- 即使顶级大师也无法抵挡一篇优秀的鬼故事的魅力。
- Even top academics can 't resist a good ghost story .
- 他站在那里看着那个鬼,吓得不能动弹。
- Eg. he stood staring at the ghost , transfixed with terror .
- 兰克思是一个拥有25000人口的叙利亚村庄,其西部区域成了一座鬼镇。
- The western half of rankous , a syrian village of 25000 , is a ghost town .
- 那一什么ta散播?脸,我在一个障碍中进入吗。
- The one what ta diffusing ? Face , did I enter in an obstacle .
- 在西非象牙海岸塔伊森林(taforest)里的黑猩猩就比东非的黑猩猩要温和些。
- In the ta forest of ivory coast in western africa , chimps are less violent than they are in eastern africa .
- 有时候,你认为自己最掏心掏肺的人,却并不把你当作ta最亲近的人。
- Sometimes , you think you most put heart man , don 't think of you as ta closest people .