

n.倾听者,收听者( listener的名词复数 );听众
listeners 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The real problem for npr may be its listeners .
- npr问题的真正根源也许是它的听众。
- And females of these animals can be fussy listeners .
- 上述动物的雌性都是非常挑剔的听众。
- Tolstoy and mozart didn 't want listeners or players making choices .
- 托尔斯泰和莫扎特并不想听众或者演奏者有选择的余地。
- They raise money other ways , including donations from listeners .
- 他们以其它方式筹集经费包括来自听众的捐赠。
- In the past year the bbc world service lost 8m viewers and listeners .
- 过去一年里bbc世界广播失去了8百万观众和听众。
- Lousy listeners change the subject before you are ready to do so .
- 你还没准备好,糟糕听众就转换话题了。
- The ratings also changed depending on what the listeners thought the sounds were .
- 听众们所认为的声音的来源也会影响他们划分等级。
- Another study showed that familiar songs triggered emotional memories in listeners .
- 另一项研究显示,相似的歌曲同样引起了听众的情感记忆。
- Lousy listeners are planning how they will respond even while you are speaking .
- 你还没有说完,糟糕听众已经筹划着如何回答了。
- Listeners will get bored very quickly if they are asked to endure slide after slide of animation .
- 如果听众被要求忍受这些一张接一张的幻灯片动画,那他们很快就会感到厌倦。