- 导致eb患者龋齿风险增高的因素。
- Factors contributing to increased dental caries risk in eb .
- 它也可以抑制龋齿的进展。
- It also inhibits progression of dental caries .
- 健康声称:膳食非生龋碳水化合物类甜味剂与龋齿。
- Health claims : dietary noncariogenic carbohydrate sweeteners and dental caries .
- 伴随着1997年的亚洲金融危机,腐朽的政治大厦轰然倒塌。
- With the 1997 asian crisis the whole decayed structure collapsed .
- 一具高度腐败的尸体被平放在验尸台上。
- A very decayed body is laid out on an examination table .
- 旧的教条已腐朽了,但新的教条却在不断产生,总体而言,我认为一个教条的有害程度是与其新颖性成比例的。
- He old dogmas have perhaps decayed , but new dogmas have arisen and , on the whole , I think that a dogma is harmfulin proportion to its novelty .