- 约瑟夫几乎是以同样的方式发出敬佩和娱乐的。
- Joseph generated respect and amusement in roughly equal measure .
- 通过选择来自威斯康星周的有激情和头脑的年轻国会议员保罗瑞安作为竞选伙伴,米特罗姆尼已经在平等的措施上为共和党和民主党感到高兴。
- By picking paul ryan , an athletic and brainy young congressman from wisconsin , as his running-mate mitt romney has delighted republicans and democrats in equal measure .
- 乍一看,这种做法似乎让人难以理解并且代价昂贵,因此也同样遭致嘲弄和警告。
- That has provoked derision and alarm in equal measure , for at first sight the gains seem elusive and the costs high .