- 谷歌在五月发行了安卓开源配件开发工具包,给那些想做自己的安卓设备的程序修补匠们提供了操作系统。
- In may , google released its android open accessory development kit , which gives the operating system to tinkerers who want to build their own android-powered devices .
- 当文化有三档传动工具箱里面却只有一套补胎工具时,这都是更简单的文化。
- It was all much simpler when culture had three gears only and a puncture repair kit in the saddlebag .
- 最近,他们深入探究了品酒的奥秘,使用一个设计好的工具箱来帮助新手们学习葡萄酒中基本的味道。
- Recently , they delved into the world of wine-tasting , using a kit designed to help novices learn about the basic smells found in wine .