- 西方银行不计后果地向遭受经济衰退打击的企业和家庭借出外币。
- Western banks had lent recklessly in foreign currency to firms and households stricken by the downturn .
- 针对各方对a380的担忧,罗罗公司作出了相应安排,从仍在生产线上、建造了一半的数架巨型客机上,调拨十多台新发动机,帮助澳航等受到打击的航空公司客户。
- In response to concerns about the a380 , rolls-royce made arrangements to cannibalise several half-built superjumbos on production lines to obtain more than a dozen new engines to help its stricken airline customers such as qantas .
- 尽管该计划缓和了市场对于银行的担忧,但它没有解决欧元区的另一个重要问题:受到危机打击的债务国(希腊、西班牙、意大利、塞浦路斯),和以德国为首的债权国之间,借款成本的差距日益扩大。
- Although the initiative calmed market worries about banks , it did not tackle the other major faultline in the eurozone : the widening differential in borrowing costs between stricken debtor countries ( greece , spain , italy , cyprus ) and creditor countries led by germany .