- 现在她考虑在自己鼻子上动刀了。
- Now she is considering a nose job .
- 你又怎么知道自己的鼻子在哪儿呢?
- How did you know where your nose was ?
- 一个人跪在旁边捏住贝蒂的鼻子。
- Someone kneels close to pinch betty 's nose .
- 这就是贸易战的开端。
- That is how trade wars start .
- 这总会是一个好的开端。
- Is always a good start .
- 但这是一个良好的开端。
- But this is a promising start .
- 研究人员把对伽马射线的观测和对无线电波的观测结合起来,可以确定这种辐射的发源点。
- The researchers were able to pin down the radiation 's origination point by combining measurements of the gamma-rays with radio-wave observations .
- 大多数银行也应该把自己的客户层面转移到更加稳定持续的借款人上来。
- Most banks , too , should be able to move smoothly to a more sustainable level of credit origination .
- 房屋和其他资产价格的上涨帮助培育了金融系统的快速增长,承销标准下降和抵押贷款的发起和证券化中的其它问题被掩盖了。
- Rising home and other asset prices had helped to feed the financial system 's rapid growth , and to hide declining underwriting standards and other underlying problems in the origination and securitization of mortgage loans .