- 我们希望这些网站能够鼓舞着您。
- We hope these websites will inspire you .
- 多读书可能会可能会帮助激励你。
- Read great books that will inspire you .
- 而证券市场更好的表现也可能鼓舞个人使其投资多元化。
- Better performance may also inspire individuals to invest more creatively .
- 广告商们用他们来刺激冲动购买。
- Advertisers use them to stimulate impulse buying .
- 这将刺激经济总体增长和投资。
- That should stimulate overall growth and investment .
- 学会轻柔和充满技巧地予以刺激。
- Learn to stimulate it gently and skillfully .
- 以这个收入你能支撑起一个家庭吗?
- Can you support a family on that income ?
- 邻近单位应当给予支援。
- Neighboring units shall provide support .
- 克林顿承诺美国将继续提供支援。
- Clinton pledged continued u.s. support .
- 谢谢你在我最低落的时候给我的鼓励。
- Thank you give me hearten , at one time of my downturn .
- 有个教授每次教课的时侯为了不让学生觉得无聊,所以世时都会说些笑话让学生们振奋精神。
- The accession that a professor teachs a course every time feels dull to do not allow a student , so the metropolis when the world says some of jest to allow students hearten spirit .
- 我要先让你振作起来.
- I will go first hearten thee .