- 在密苏里州大学,鼓乐队队长率领了一个多达300人的仪仗队。
- At the university of missouri , the drum major leads a marching band of more than 300 members .
- 王先生都能听到雨点砸在废墟上像是打鼓:嗒嗒嗒嗒。
- Mr. wang could hear it pounding the debris like a drum : da-da-da-da-da .
- 他还希望外交官员竭力鼓吹商业利益。
- He also wants diplomats to bang the drum for business .
- 她丈夫的营生是叫卖传统的鼓,以此得来的收入只够每天让五个孩子吃一顿饭。
- She can afford to feed her five children one meal a day on the income her husband earns selling traditional drums .
- 窗户破碎声和鼓声不绝于。
- Shattered windows and the sound of drums .
- 但也可能是只有用震撼的鼓声才能压得过观众们的说话声、手机铃声、小孩子的打闹声还有人们往好位置移动时发出的声音。
- Or maybe the drums were there to drown out the crowd 's babbling , of telephones ringing , of children playing in the aisles and of people trying to sneak into better seats .