- 但是昏暗光是如何引起树突棘数量变化的呢?
- But how might dim light have brought about dendritic spine changes ?
- 上帝昔日的慈悲之光在严峻的考验下渐渐暗淡。
- God 's past mercies dim with the intensity of present trials .
- 但是,如果外星人生命是比聪明绿人更暗淡的绿色黏液呢?
- But what if alien life was more dim green slime than brainy green men ?
- 我们本周的调查报告解读了大选背后的阴郁背景。
- Our survey this week explains the gloomy background to that election .
- 但这似乎并不能使公众面对阴郁的经济前景时有多一丝的快乐。
- But it is unlikely to make people any happier about gloomy economic prospects .
- 在黯淡的经济环境中,债券市场是华尔街的一个亮点。
- The bond market is a bright spot for wall street in an otherwise gloomy environment .
- 夏普这一季度依旧惨淡。
- Sharp had another dismal quarter .
- 美国经济增长的前途黯淡,而解决问题的政策方案又难以捉摸。
- The future of american economic growth is dismal , and policy solutions are elusive .
- 面对黯淡的经济前景,缅甸4800万人口中有100万人逃到了泰国。
- Faced with dismal economic prospects , 1 million of burma 's 48 million people have fled to thailand .
- 你能感觉到有多枯燥和乏味吗?
- How dull and boring can you get ?
- 欧洲的大选传统上是沉闷的。
- European elections are traditionally dull affairs .
- 总得有人来确保完成那些枯燥但必需的工作。
- Someone has to ensure that dull but necessary tasks are done .